Why do people get into accidents?
Car accidents are an integral part of car life and everyday motoring. This week, we were able to get some answers from an experienced traffic police and motor claims agent as to what are the most common reasons for people getting into road accidents. Over the years, industry and government had worked together to establish a safe driving environment with cars that protect the passengers in case of an accident and with stability and braking ads that saved lives. In Singapore, road conditions and driving culture are among the highest in the world but still, accidents occur daily. Here are top 6 causes of car crashes and we hope that you will take this seriously and drive carefully for your sake, and for the sake of other motorists out there as well.
1) Speeding

Speeding and reckless driving are the most common reasons for car accidents everywhere and the majority of drivers can’t truly handle driving at high speeds, which modern cars are capable of. You should always respect the speed limits and know that the force of impact is multiplying if you drive at higher speeds. The scary physics of car crash has proven that if you double the speed of the car, your force of impact will increase four times and if you triple the speed of the car, the force of impact will be nine times as much! Modern cars with innovative and advanced safety systems like airbags and crash crumple zones can protect you in case of a crash but only at normal driving speeds.
2) Distracted driving and mobile phone use

Over the past couple of years, distracted driving and mobile phone use have started holding a high position on this list. Almost any motorist owns a mobile phone and uses it while driving. Talking is distracting, of course, but the biggest problem is texting and browsing the internet. In those cases, the driver’s concentration for the road is nonexistent and he is very dangerous not only for himself, but for other people. Researches has shown that people driving and talking on the phone have the same concentration on the road like a very drunk driver. It is a little terrifying to know that the person in the car next to you talking on the phone is not dependable and concentrated at all! So, please, use a hands-free kit and never text or surf the internet while driving.
3) Drunk driving

Singapore’s policy for drunk drivers is very effective but the dangers of driving under influence still exist. Alcohol is a common reason for car crashes all over the world. Not only do drunk drivers have slow reaction times, their eyesight is affected and depending on the amount of alcohol they had, basic motor skills are corrupted too. In this condition, you can not even walk or talk straight, let alone drive a car. So, even if you had the slightest amount of alcohol and you are feeling normal, it is better to take a taxi home.
4) Falling Asleep at the Wheel

You certainly have experienced driving home late at night, feeling sleepy and eagerly waiting to go to bed. Well, lots of drivers have the same experience and unfortunately, some of them fall asleep behind the wheel and cause accidents. Truck or taxi drivers are the most common sleepers since they spend most of their day behind the wheel. Some researchers show that the majority of accidents happen within 2 miles from the destination, meaning that drivers start getting relaxed when they get closer to reaching their destination, often falling asleep after a long drive. So, try to avoid driving tired and always stop for some coffee and a short nap.
5) Poor Weather Conditions

Poor weather conditions really can cause a lot of problems and crashes and even though in Singapore there are no snow blizzards or dense fog, there are some weather hazards that should be avoided. For example, heavy raining which can cause low visibility and slippery roads, more than enough to cause an accident. So, avoid going for a drive if there is a storm coming and if you get caught in heavy rain, park by the side of the road and wait for it to stop.
6) Car malfunction

Since the modern cars are very dependable, you will not see car problems as the common cause of an accident. However, sometimes, that is exactly what happens. There are a lot of things that can cause a crash, like a blown tire, brake failure, steering failure or power loss. Our advice is to always check your car before any major trip and during the drive, listen to the engine and car noises and react if you hear something out of the ordinary or if you notice that the car has started behaving strangely.