What You Need to Know About Emotion-aware Cars
Emotion-recognition is the next frontier in the autonomous car designs. Manufacturers and dealers are always looking into ways to improve the autonomous cars. Though not a total reality, successful tests have been performed for it. Such success can be credited to the daunting years of development of the associated algorithms. As it is becoming a reality, emotion-aware cars functionality is the next differentiating factor manufacturers seek to impress the auto world with.
Technological advancements

The information and technology age has seen more interaction between humans and devices. However, these devices are seen as cold objects, unable to read our minds or desires. Manufacturers are aiming to improve this experience by making the cars emotion-aware. Emotion-recognition is aided by a set of algorithms and camera to interpret one’s emotions or feelings and perform appropriate actions in relation to these. Such functionality will have a load of benefits described as follows.
Bolster Full Autonomy

Current generations of cars are semi-piloted i.e. there is a need for human intervention for driving. The current technological innovations are aimed at complementing the drivers’ skills. However, emotion-recognition functionality will aid in the attainment of full autonomy. The integrated algorithms and camera system will provide a conversational interface between the cars, the passengers and the driver. The car will be able to read and decode the driver’s mood and sense their intention. Such signal is picked up by the algorithms which will instigate the appropriate action(s). As a car owner, you will be able to order your car to take you to the desired destination. You just have to sit back and enjoy the ride. The car might sense your sense of urgency, and will choose the shortest route or increase its speeds. What a convenience, having something perform your desires without even telling it to do so.
Improving Safety

Road carnage is a major cause of death in most countries. Most of these accidents are credited to driver error. The driver might have impaired judgment while drunk, making him/her more liable to cause an accident. However, the same cannot be applied to autonomous cars. They give us the conversational mood, like a listening friend. Even when you are drunk, the car will take you home, and even ring your house to be taken into the house. The car just decides its consistent destinations, or as specified by the user as the home address, and will take you there. During the drive, you have no influence on the driving speed nor the navigation system. This reduces your chances of causing an accident due to impaired judgment. The emotion-recognition functionality will tremendously improve safety on our roads.
Improving the Driving Experience

The cars are able to read and decode emotions. For example, during a traffic jam, the car can suggest interesting spots along the way where you could wind off as you wait for the snarl up to subside. Also, it can recommend music, customized to your taste, to ease the pressure of waiting in line for the car in front to move. The car can automatically read the ambient conditions like temperature and adjust accordingly to ensure you feel comfortable during the drive. All these contribute to a better driving experience.
Contributes to Future Transportation System

The future transport system is envisioned as a supreme efficient system. Such a system is only attainable when the cars are fully autonomous. The algorithms, cameras and other detection systems drive the coordinated movement in and between cities. For example, Tesla has a proposed Hyperloop meant to be situated in the cities. These will have pads where the cars dock and are inserted into a fast moving loop. When the emotion-aware cars sense urgency, it can dock at the nearest pad to be inserted into the Hyperloop for faster transport. This transport system eliminates traffic jams.