What do you need to know about having driving lessons in Singapore?
Learning how to drive is one of the most exciting things for anyone. Before you even look forward to owning your first car, you will be looking forward to learning how to drive. Singapore has one of the strictest driving school structures. Unlike some other countries where learning how to drive is a simple affair that takes a couple of months to complete, in Singapore, one has to wait for a long time before they complete all the driving lessons as well as pass the necessary driving tests. Nonetheless, all the wait and driving lessons are worth it because driving is a very serious issue and you have to be competent enough before getting onto the roads. Below are some of the basic things that you need to know before enrolling for driving lessons in Singapore.
1) You Can Enrol For Driving Lessons In A Driving School Or As A Private Candidate

There is the option of taking your driving lessons as a private candidate or enrolling in a driving school. Whichever way you would like to take your driving lessons is all up to you as there are pros and cons of both. There are people who would prefer a driving school while there are those who would swear by the private arrangement. For instance, some prefer driving schools because they feel it has more the structure, credibility and more flexible timings. Others may prefer private driving instructors as they get to stick with same instructor throughout, get more freedom to progress at their own pace, and it and it tends to be cheaper. if you pass within the first few tries (you have to rent the car for tests).
2) It Is Not A Cheap Affair

Learning how to drive in Singapore is not a cheap affair, plain and simple. Before you enrol for the driving classes, you should set aside at least $2000! The entire program which includes many driving lessons as well as a number of tests, both theory and practical, will set you back not less than $2000.
3) You Will Not Always Have The Same Driving Instructor At The Driving School

If you choose to enroll in a driving school, then, you should not expect to have only one driving instructor. The driving instructor who will take you out for your first lesson will be different from the one who will take you out for the second. In a way, this may be advantageous because you will be exposed to different driving “styles”. However, the downside is that some of the instructors may not be as good as others. You may choose to have a scheme that will offer you the same instructor throughout but then again; you will have to pay an extra fee for the plan.
4) You Need Patience

You should not enroll for driving lessons in Singapore if you are not patient. There is almost no chance that you are going to enrol and qualify as a driver in Singapore in less than three months, that is, having passed all your tests on the first try. Most people take between one year to two years to complete the lessons and tests. There are so many people who are taking the driving lessons and hence you may have to wait up to four months to do a test after booking it. Your instructor will guide you on how to book the tests but everything has to be done well in advance.
5) Evening Classes Are Possible

Don’t you have time to take your lessons during the day? Well, worry not because you can take evening classes. Learning how to drive should not affect your working schedule as you can choose to enroll for evening classes. Though taking driving lessons at night is quite a challenge, it is worth the hustle if you are working full-time.
We hope this article was helpful. To those who are going to begin their life as a drive, Carro wishes you all the best! Stay positive, and drive safely. After you have earned your driving certificate, reward yourself with an awesome but affordable car of your own at carro.sg.