Mistakes That Every New Driver Will Make
Driving is a serious thing and every new driver should be aware of that. That is why learning to drive takes time and patience. However, no matter how good the driving instructor is or how long and thorough the process takes, new drivers will always make some mistakes and that is totally expected. But, if you want to be a perfect driver despite having no experience, you should avoid this couple of things.
1) Speeding

It is the most common of all mistakes new drivers make. The car gives you the freedom of movement and when you are fresh from driving school, you want to have that freedom as soon and as fast as possible. But you shouldn’t since a newbie driver is not trained or capable of handling the car at high speeds and you should wait to get to know your car well or train on the track before you take your car higher than legal speed limits. Most crashes happen when a new driver is going too fast without proper capacities to react or control the car. We know that speed is tempting, but please, do not drive fast.
2) Distractions

When you are a fresh driver, you want to experience all features of a car and it is normal that you want to listen to the music, chat with your passengers, use a phone or wave to the people you know on the street. These are all very dangerous distractions which can cause a crash. The reason is simple, a new driver hasn’t got the experience, developed peripheral vision or skill to multitask while driving. It is something that you will learn over the years. So, while in the car, concentrate on driving and driving alone, at least until you get some experience.
3) Use of a smartphone

We know that a smartphone is an integral part of the life of every teenager or young person out there, but we must say that using the phone while driving is very dangerous. Especially, surfing the web or texting. So one of the biggest mistakes young drivers make nowadays is the use of a mobile phone while operating a car. It is better to answer the call or text later than to have an accident on the start of your driving career.
4) Not keeping a proper distance

Young drivers tend to be very close to the car in front while driving and it is a mistake. Not only that they don’t have enough time to react, but even if they do, the chances are that they will hit the car in front and cause problems. If you are a young driver you shouldn’t overestimate your reaction time or space needed for braking and it is always better to keep the distance. Keep in mind that the faster you go, the longer distance you need.
5) Misreading the road

Road signs are your friend and will provide you will all the necessary information, so keep that in mind. Young drivers often don’t pay attention to road signs, but they really should since knowing all road signs and reacting properly keeps you out of trouble.