How to Survive Car Accidents?
Despite the combined efforts of car manufacturers and governments to produce and implement safer vehicles and more strict traffic rules, car accidents are still one of the leading fatality causes all over the world.
Cars have definitely become safer than before, but they are still dangerous, and every motorist should know that car accident, small or big are an inevitable part of everyday traffic in every country. We already gave you advice about avoiding problematic situations and crashes, but what to do if you had an accident, and how to behave during one?
Here are a few simple but important things you should know.
1. Always wear your seat belt

Seatbelts save lives and this is the first thing you should know. They will protect you in numerous ways and the difference between wearing and not wearing your seat belt is the difference between life and death. Even in car accidents that happen at low speeds, seat belts are very important. Do not forget that and buckle up even before you start your engine.
2. If the car starts to spin, let go of the steering wheel

If you lost control of your car and the car starts spinning, the best thing you could do is to let go of the steering wheel. It may sound strange but steering wheel could actually hurt you if you hold on to it. When the car spins, you’re no longer in control so no matter what your steering input is, you will not change the direction you are going into. On the other hand, the spinning force is so big and it is transmitted through the steering column that could easily break your fingers or arms if you try to fight it. So, in this case, let go of the steering wheel, hold on tight and hope for the best.
3. Remove all potentially dangerous items from your car’s interior

In serious car accidents or roll overs, small everyday items in the interior can turn into real projectiles and can seriously hurt you or your passengers. In case of a rollover, everything you have inside, like CDs, boxes, cables, cups etc. will get airborne and accelerate, sometimes causing more injuries than the crash itself. The heavier the item is, the potentially more dangerous projectile it is.
4. In a roll over situation, cover your face with your hands

In case of a rollover, you could expect that the glass will break when your car gets on the roof so be prepared by covering your eyes and face with your hands. With this manoeuvre you will do two things, first, you will prevent the glass from getting into your eyes, and second, you will keep your arms close to your body. In the case of serious or multiple rollovers, the forces are so big that limbs of your fellow passengers are all over the place, and by keeping your arms close to your body and your hands on your face, you will minimize the possibility of fractures of any kind.
5. If you drive into the water, open the door immediately

If by some unfortunate occurrence, you drove into the water and your car starts sinking, the first thing you should do is to release your seat belt and help your passengers do the same. Then, you should open the doors or break the glass and try to get out. When the car goes into the water it will not sink immediately giving you time to do this thing. However, the longer you wait the harder it will be to do so since the raising water level will produce big pressure and almost seal the doors. So, if this happens, be cool, calm, and collective and swiftly unbuckle and exit the car.
6. Do not panic
The last but not least advice – do not panic and try to be calm whatever happens. In an accident situation, whether you are injured or not, panic will only make things worse. If you had an accident and you are conscious, the first thing you should do is to check if you are ok and if your passengers are fine. Then look for your phone and call for help. Do not try to get out of the vehicle or move your passengers out of the car if you are not completely certain that they are ok. Sometimes, in case of spinal injuries, moving people without professional help could be very dangerous, so it is best to wait for the ambulance.