Secrets to washing your car properly
It may look that car washing is a fairly simple task, but it also has a few important rules which you have to follow in order to get the best shine of your car. On the other hand, there are a few common mistakes people make during the process which can damage and even ruin your paint and your car’s appearance. In this article, we are going to tell you how to avoid those mistakes, wash your car properly and get the perfect shine every time.
1. Wash your car often
If you wash your car regularly there will be no build-up of dirt, road debris or small particles which can damage your paint. There is no need to wash a car every day, but if the car is often used, once or twice a month is perfect.
2. Do not forget about undercarriage of your vehicle

Most people wash only the outside of the car, but the underside is also very important. If you live in cold areas with snow and salty roads or the dusty parts of Singapore, washing underneath is even more important. The dirt, salt, and mud can really affect your brakes, suspension and steering components if not cleaned regularly. So, do not forget the underside next time you wash your car.
3. Avoid car wash services

If you care about your car, you shouldn’t take it to the quick car wash service stations. They offer fast and cheap washing but also can damage your car’s paint and lacquer. Car wash services use big and heavy brushes and strong chemical detergents, so if you do it often, your car will lose its shine after a while. Always make time to wash your car by hand or opt for eco-friendly washing technology.
4. Do not wash your car in direct sunlight

Even though washing a car outside is a typical summer activity, you should avoid washing in direct sunlight during a hot day. The reason is very simple: the car’s bodywork gets hot if it is exposed to the sunlight, and when you splash it with cold water it creates imbalance between the temperature of the water and the metal, causing cracks in paint and lacquer. So you should either choose a nice and shady place or wait until the Sun goes down to wash it properly.
5. Do not apply car wash shampoo before water

The key to good car washing process is a lot of water. So, first, you thoroughly wash your car with water from the top to the bottom, cleaning all big dirt particles and only then you apply the car wash shampoo. The reason for that is simple: you don’t want dirt between the paint and the shampoo, since rubbing will cause scratches on your paint.
6. Do not use high-pressure washers

A common mistake is to spray water under high pressure directly to the car’s body. It makes water hit the car hard and can damage your paint, especially if the water is cold. You can use pressured washers but be sure that pressure is not high and does not affect your paint.