Preparing to Sell Your Car? Here’s 4 Things You Should Do!
So, the time has come to sell your car and you’re preparing yourself for a new ride or to put your money elsewhere. However, the path between the decision and the actual selling is a long one and there are some things you should do before you let your car go.
Listed below are 4 things you must do when preparing to sell your car
*Read till the end for exclusive tips that will help you sell faster and at better prices!
1. Inspect the car and do routine maintenance

Before putting your car on the market, get it inspected and maintained. We are not talking about expensive repairs, a new set of tires, or anything costly. Just regular inspection and oil change. This will give perfect insight into the true condition of your car, and you will know how to price it accordingly.
2. Fix the faulty areas

This is the logical next step after inspections and maintenance. If you have something you should repair like a broken headlight or a missing trim piece, do it. Outside of the obvious broken parts or missing trims, it is recommended that worn down or older parts are replaced. There is no need to spend money replacing everything.
It is to your benefit to make sure the car is at least good-looking and in fine working condition in terms of making it more appealing to buyers. Additionally, direct negotiations over price will be likely to go more smoothly. If you’re selling on consignment, the dealership is also likely to get a better price for you. However, there is no need to go overboard on repairs and replacements.
The reason why you shouldn’t invest too much money into repairs is simple. You will not be able to command a premium price when you sell it and the next owner will get a better car than he has paid for.
3. Clean your car thoroughly
Even if you clean your car regularly and (think) it is spotless inside and out, it is worth investing in a full steam cleaning of the interior at least. Full waxing and polishing treatment while not as vital, will help your car look younger, better and more expensive- exactly what you want.
4. Take good photos
If you are posting an ad onto the website, your photos are crucial. You can take the photos yourself but the pictures need to be clean, sharp and show the entire car. Take as many photos as you can and showcase the exterior (all angles), interior, trunk, engine, and undercarriage if possible.
Read a more detailed article on how to take photos of your car here.
If you have done these 4 things, your car has a better chance of being sold quickly and at a good rate. The next question to tackle is where to sell your car?